In My Mother’s Words: On being honest


My mother never gave us chores. I never had to take out the trash, do my laundry or clean the house. She only asked us to bring home good grades and “buen comportamiento,” (good behavior). A big part of good behavior meant always being honest. My mother, for better or worse, was always honest with us.

I remember the times teachers would call her and want to meet with her. She’d always ask my brother, or me, what happened. She always made it clear that we better not be lying. She’ll defend us to the end, but if she finds out we lied, agáchate (duck)! She’s honest with us, our family and friends. She has always said:

Lo qué tengo de fea, lo tengo de franca!

(I’m as frank as I am unattractive!)

Believe me, my mother has zero self image issues. In Spanish it sounds MUCH better. The point is, as often as we hear it, honesty is the best policy. One of the things I see most with people is their inability to be completely honest.

No matter how hard of a truth I’ve ever had to share with my mom, she always appreciated it. Don’t get me wrong, some truths drove her to the confessional, literally. But, in the end, she always tells people she knows who her daughter is. My friends always admire how frank and candid we are with one another. I simply follow her example.

We are best friends, and in the end, best friends don’t lie to each other.

VictoriaandMomVictoria Moll-Ramirez is a broadcast journalist based in Atlanta, GA. She is originally from Miami, FL and had the great fortune of being raised by the sassiest, spunkiest, wisest, most hysterical Honduran woman in the world. Victoria’s mother, BĂ©lgica, is 60-years-old, resides in Little Havana (Miami) and enjoys a good margarita accompanied by a heartrending ranchera. Victoria blogs about her mom’s funny and wise sayings on, “In My Mother’s Words.”