Tag: emotional health

  • Native healer uses traditional ways to heal returning veterans

    Native healer uses traditional ways to heal returning veterans

    A woman with short hair wearing red necklace.
    Lacee Harris (center) at the 9th Annual Native Symposium at Weber State University on November 12, 2014. (Photo/Adrienne Andrews)

    In the Ute Indian Reservation, located in Northeastern Utah, approximately 150 miles east of Salt Lake City, it’s common to hear people say, “I’m going to go see Lacee.â€

    Lacee Harris is a 70-year-old Native healer. He has been healing all kinds of emotional and spiritual ailments, in and outside his community, for the past four decades. His duties include healing ceremonies for returning veterans, house cleanings, prayers, marriages, and naming babies.

    “Some people call me a medicine man, but I don’t label myself a ‘medicine man’ or ‘shaman’ – that’s not our way,†says Harris, explaining it is not their custom to draw attention to themselves. “I grew up with my great grandmother. She taught me the healing traditions.â€

    Harris went to school and became a licensed clinical social worker – a position he held at the Indian Walk-In Center for 35 years. He says one day, when he was in his early 30s, his uncles had approached him.

    “They said, ‘Boy, we want you to take on some responsibilities.’ So that’s how I became what I became,†says Harris.

    He says there’s not that many healers left in his native Salt Lake City area.

    “There’s maybe 350,000 people in Salt Lake, and I’m one of the few natives that do the ceremonies,†says Harris. “I volunteer at the local hospitals to give them blessings. I work with natives in Nevada, New Mexico at cancer centers…and I’ve done work with the Utah State Department of Human Services, adult corrections and youth corrections.â€

    He was asked a few months ago to help returning veterans dealing with their post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

    “I think it’s just a pilot here in Salt Lake for now,†says Harris. “If it starts succeeding, they will take it to Virginia to see how it works there.â€

    He explains the Native healing program had originally encountered resistance from the VA and Utah community, because many could not understand its spiritual aspect of healing.

    “It’s a 24-7, 365-day type of job,†says Harris. “We get up in the morning, and we pray all day long, and we pray when we go to bed at night. They are scared of their own insecurities in their spirituality. We have no insecurity about who our Creator is.’

    He goes on to explain that the Creator made us in four parts: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

    “Many people are developed physically – they exercise, and they go to school for their mental ability. Emotional and spiritual…ahh, not so much,†says Harris. “People are driving around on two wheels instead of four. Four wheels give you more balance than two.â€

    The two-time cancer survivor says he carries a medicine bag of sacred dirt, sweet grass, crystals, a whole bunch of different medicines, traditionally given to Native warriors, with him at all times.

    “It’s what helped me,†he says. “It’s that old spirituality that kept us a strong people. The Europeans came and brought all their diseases and destroyed our natural foods and animals that we ate, but we still keep our traditions…We are strong people, and we have to hang on to our ways.â€

    He says also being a licensed mental health therapist, he is fortunate to be able to use both scientific and traditional philosophies in his healing, because Western medicines don’t heal emotional or spiritual wounds. When he sees veterans, for example, he uses his cleansing ceremonies involving sweats, as well as talking circles – traditions that Natives used with their returning warriors for thousands of years.

    “If we have problems, we would go out and sit on a hill and meditate,†continues Harris about his ancient traditions. “We would take out our tobacco that was made for us by the Creator…We ask for the endurance, and all the things we need to overcome adversities. Seeing your buddy shot or blown up – you have to find that sense of balance, and your place in the world with all the badness going on around you.â€

    He goes on to say that’s why so many veterans get into drugs.

    “They are trying to drown and hide from all of that trauma and negativity that has been surrounding them. It’s not an easy thing. Once they can find a way to deal with those negativities, it’s much easier to deal with,†says Harris. “It might take several times going to a sweat, talking with elders, hearing the old stories…You gotta get out of your head. That’s where all the worries live. Go into your heart, that’s your center. If you operate from your center, you can talk to your Creator.â€

    Harris plans on continuing to help others and spread the wisdom of his people as long as he can. Last week, he spoke at the 9th Annual Native Symposium at Weber State University.

    “I think the best advice I could give to any young person is know and understand and live to the fullest your life’s philosophy,†says the healer. “A lot of people I know are Christians. Hold on to that, that’s the one thing that will get you through.â€

  • How to take control of your life


    When you are dealing with a challenge in your life, do you feel that you have control over the outcome, or do you believe that you are a victim of outside forces?

    If you believe that you have control over what happens, then you have what psychologists refer to as an internal locus of control. If you believe that you have no control over what happens, and that external circumstances are to blame, then you have what is known as an external locus of control.

    People with an internal locus of control:

    • Are more likely to take responsibility for their actions.
    • Tend to be less influenced by the opinions of other people.
    • They do a better job when they are  allowed to work at their own pace.
    • They usually have a strong sense of self-efficacy.
    • They work hard to achieve the things they want.
    • They feel confident in the face of challenges.
    • They tend to be physically healthier.
    • They are happier and more independent.
    • They often achieve greater success in the workplace.

    People with an external locus of control:

    • Blame outside forces for their circumstances.
    • They often credit luck or chance for any successes.
    • They don’t believe they can change their situation through their own efforts.
    • They frequently feel hopeless or powerless in the appearance of difficult situations.

    When people feel that they have no control over their situation, they begin to behave in a helpless manner.

    The Locus Control Theory says that you feel positive about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life, and you feel negative about yourself to the degree to which you feel that you are controlled by some external force, or influence.

    Most stress, anxiety, tension, and psychosomatic illnesses come about as the result of the person feeling out of control, or not in control, of some important part of his/her life.

    If you feel that your life is controlled by debts, or your boss, or ill health, or bad relationships, or the behavior of others, you will suffer stress. Stress will manifest as irritation, anger, and resentment. If you don’t deal with it will progress to insomnia, depression, or illness of various kinds.

    You can have either and internal or external locus of control. That is, you can feel that you are in charge of your own life, happy, positive, and confident, or you can feel controlled by others and feeling helpless, trapped, and much like a victim.

    Well how can you take control of you life?

    Taking control of your life begins with your thoughts.

    How you think about the situation determines how you feel, and your feelings determine your behavior. Self-discipline, self-mastery, self-control all begin with you taking control of your thinking.

    There are two ways you can get control of any situation:

    • You can take action, and do something to change it.
    • You can simply walk away and regain control by letting go of a person, or situation.

    It is so important for you to know exactly what you want, because the self confidence that comes from feeling in control is why a person with a clear purpose, and a plan, always edge over someone who is vague and unsure.

    A woman with short hair wearing red necklace.Dr. Josefina Monasterio is a certified life coach, fitness expert, and nutritional counselor based in Vero Beach, Florida. She holds a PhD in Adult Personal Development from Nova University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Boston University. Dr. Josefina is also a certified Yoga Therapist from the World Yoga Society of Calcutta, India, and host of Healthy Power TV’s “The Dr. Josefina Way.â€

  • 7 principles to building healthy relationships that last

    7 principles to building healthy relationships that last


    A woman with short hair wearing red necklace.
    Photo/ Old People Holding Hands blog

    Are you a people builder or a people basher?

    Relationships can be extremely complicated, yet they are a part of every aspect of daily life – from leading a successful business to having an emotionally stable family. Thankfully, building and maintaining quality relationships entails only seven key principles.

    1. Trust

    All relationships are based on trust. To build trust, you must be trustworthy and remain consistent and dependable with everything you say and do.  You should be the kind of person who is absolutely reliable in every situation.

    2. Respect

    Take time to purposely express your respect for the people around you. You will find that it makes them feel valuable and important. In addition, make sure you are a careful and attentive listener. When you listen carefully, and with total attention, you demonstrate the respect you have for a person’s uniqueness. This will greatly enhance the quality of your relationship.

    3. Time

    How much time you physically spend with another person is a critical and elemental factor in communicating well with another person. The value of a relationship can increase for both you and the other person depending on the amount of time that you invest in it.

    4. Politeness

    When you say “please†and “thank you†on a regular basis to the people in your life, you make them feel better about themselves. You raise their self-esteem, make them feel honored and important, and they feel good about what they are doing.

    5. Caring

    The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. Stop criticizing, condemning or complaining to people or to others, and start thinking of yourself as a people builder rather than a people basher.

    People builders acknowledge others when they are doing something right. So, always look for ways to make people feel more valued, respected, loved and appreciated.

    7. Praise and appreciation

    Remember, the three most powerful words in any relationship are the words “I love you.â€Â Take the time to show and tell the most important people in your life that you love them, and do it in many different ways, and as often as possible. Never take for granted that you’re loved ones should “just know†you love them…tell them! Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted. 

    When you express your appreciation to another person for something they do for you, they feel better about themselves, and they want to do more of it.

    7. Cooperation

    Be willing to share, contribute, and help each other while having a pleasant attitude. This is an important facet of lasting relationships.

    One of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to build empowering relationships is by always greeting people with a smile. There is a Chinese proverb that says, “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.â€

    I say, “Smile! It increases your face value!â€

    A woman with short hair wearing red necklace.Dr. Josefina Monasterio is a certified life coach,  fitness expert, and nutritional counselor based in Vero Beach, Florida. She holds a PhD in Adult Personal Development from Nova University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Boston University. Dr. Josefina is also a certified Yoga Therapist from the World Yoga Society of Calcutta, India, and host of Healthy Power TV’s “The Dr. Josefina Way.â€

  • Bodybuilder and life coach says, “Spend time with yourself”

    Bodybuilder and life coach says, “Spend time with yourself”



    A woman with her arms raised in the air.
    Dr. Josefina Monasterio, bodybuilder and life coach (Courtesy Dr. Josefina Monasterio)

    Dr. Josefina Monasterio spent her childhood climbing mango trees in her rural hometown, Punta de Mata, in western Venezuela. She says she was always athletic – competing in track and field and as a gymnast through college. At 68, however, she has far from slowed down. Monasterio is an award-winning bodybuilder and life coach.

    “I started bodybuilding at 59, and now I compete with women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, and I beat them,†says Monasterio laughing in her vivacious manner. “They take pictures with me!â€
