Legend rock guitarist, Javier Bátiz, on teaching Carlos Santana
Javier Bátiz, known as the “Father of Mexican Rock and Roll,”has also been given the Spanish nickname, “Brujo del rock” – “meaning ‘warlock,’” he explains, from as long as he can remember. “I don’t know why…Maybe they think I’m a brujo, but I like it – it’s better than being called, ‘cockroach!,’” he says in… Read more
Bibi Ferreira, 94, performs in NYC and shares her life
Bibi Ferreira is an entertainment powerhouse in Brazil — she’s been singing, acting, directing and producing for the past 75 years. At 94, she is also a force that doesn’t quit. The “Grand Dame,” as she is often called, was recently in New York City performing “4 x Bibi” at Symphony Space, a show saluting… Read more
Pastor walks 150 miles in the name of immigration
BishopJosé Garcia, 63, just finished walking an average of 12 miles a day, for 11 days straight. Not for exercise, but for the basicrights of immigrants. “El Camino del Inmigrante,” “The Walk of the Immigrant” in English, was a 150-mile pilgrimage from August 20 – 30, aimedat highlighting the challenges of the current U.S. immigration… Read more
Nation’s oldest park ranger plays pivotal role in national park
At nearly 95, Betty Reid Soskin has lived a remarkable life, but her adventures are not over. During World War II, when Soskin was 20, she worked as a file clerk for Boilermakers Union A-36, a Jim Crow segregated union. In 1945, she and her first husband, founded Reid Records, a small record store specializing… Read more
Sioux chief heads World Peace and Prayer Day