In My Mother’s Words: On friendships

Victoria with  her mom.

Victoria with her mom.

Friends. Where would any of us be without our friends? They’re our shoulders to cry on, our favorite ones to laugh with, and some of the people who love us the most in this world. Some friendships are for a lifetime, and others just make cameo appearances for a chapter or two. Something my mother has always stressed is honesty and open communication. As she likes to say:

“Cuentas claras conservan amistades.”

(Not exactly translated: Proper accountability preserves friendships.)

Basically, what this does is emphasize the need for transparency in a friendship. Always make sure things are in the clear, whether it be something that bothered you, or owing someone $5. People have falling outs over the most minimal to the most majorly horrific things. My friends laugh at me when I pay them back $2 and tell me I’m being ridiculous.

My mother would’ve had a much more difficult time with us as children had it not been for her friends. It’s true that it takes a village to raise a child, and now I see that with my own friends. Not every friend is meant for the long haul, and that’s ok. Typically the ones that stay are the best ones to keep, and the ones who go were fun while they lasted. But, in the end, I always have my mom, and I couldn’t ask for a better friend than that.

Besides, she’s funny and drinks like a champ!

VictoriaandMomVictoria Moll-Ramirez is a broadcast journalist based in Atlanta, GA. She is originally from Miami, FL and had the great fortune of being raised by the sassiest, spunkiest, wisest, most hysterical Honduran woman in the world. Victoria’s mother, Bélgica, is 60-years-old, resides in Little Havana (Miami) and enjoys a good margarita accompanied by a heartrending ranchera. Victoria blogs about her mom’s funny and wise sayings on, “In My Mother’s Words.”